Law Office of John S. Palmer Attorney at Law

(425) 455-5513

New Family Law Forms

Posted Friday, September 4, 2015 by John S. Palmer

Washington’s court system is accepting public comments on proposed new “plain language” domestic relations forms for use in all family law cases, including divorce, legal separation, child support and custody cases.

The Access to Justice Board has formed a work group charged with converting the mandatory forms into plain language, in order to make it easier for parties to understand both the forms themselves and legal concepts applicable to the proceeding.

The proposed forms are available for review and comment here. The comment period ends October 31. After that, the work group’s executive committee will review them, make any changes it deems appropriate, and post them on the official state forms website, at which time their use will become mandatory.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (425) 455-5513, toll free at (877) 455-5513, or

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Fax: (425) 455-5546
Law Office of John S. Palmer11911 NE 1st St, Ste. B204,Bellevue, WA 98005-3056